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Open your favorite websites from the task bar.

Show the Links

Open the tool bars.

Show the links.

These are the links.

This completes showing the links.


These are the links.

This completes the links.

Add a Link

Open Internet Explorer and visit a website, for example, visit

Add study-blast to the links.

It adds study-blast to the links.

This completes adding a link.

Rearrange the Links

Rearrange the links by dragging and dropping.

This completes rearranging the links.

Open a Link

Open a link, for example, open study-blast.

It opens the study-blast website.

This completes opening a link.

Delete a Link

Delete a link, for example, delete study-blast.

It deletes the study-blast link.

This completes deleting a link.

Hide the Links

Open the tool bars.

Hide the links.

This is the task bar.

This completes hiding the links.

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